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Custom amiibo Maker has amiibo Sold Through Toys R Us

Home > Custom amiibo Maker has amiibo Sold Through Toys R Us

It has recently been revealed that Toys R Us will soon be selling custom made amiibo by Evilos Art. Evilos, who creates and sells custom amiibo, has made many great customs in the past, such as Cosmic Mario, Metal Mario, and Cosmic Samus. As said in a recent Amiibo Inquirer article, "A historic move by a major corporation like this, and could have a huge impact on custom sales in the future. According to the article, negotiations are in the final stages, and details such as styles, availability, and pricing are yet to be known. When they go on sale, don’t be late and order fast!

About the Author: Kevin M

Kevin M. joined the Nintendo Castle team in 2015, mainly wanting to spread the word out about the latest Nintendo news. He plays many different genres of games, but mostly plays games on Nintendo systems. Kevin can mainly be found searching all around the Internet to find everything going on, as well as the release dates of games to keep himself updated.

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