In Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door badges are a collectible that can be equipped to give you or your partner a special ability or change the gameplay. Most badges are used in battle and give you buffs like more power, additional moves to use, or weaken your enemies. Some badges affect other things like the background music or the ability to increase the difficulty.
Each badge requires BP to equip. Some badges can be found or bought multiple times and equipping multiple amplifies their effects. Because there are so many badges that are so versatile, it is often best to priortize upgrading your BP over HP or FP.
Note: this guide is currently under construction.
Collectible Badges
The following badges can be found as your progres throughout the game. They can either be found out in the open, after solving puzzles, or are given as rewards. They are listed in a rough chronological order of when you should find them as you progress through the game.
Power Smash

This badge is given to you by Professor Frankly in Rogueport Sewers during the main story.
Close Call

You can get this badge from a red block in Petal Meadows along the main path.

You can find this badge in the Shhwonk Fortress Sublevel by hitting a red block.
Happy Heart

You can find this badge in Petal Meadows on a block next to a tall green pipe. You can use Koops's ability to grab it from the top of the pipe.
Power Bounce

In the first large room in Hooktail Castle you can get this badge from a red block.
Attack FX G

In Hooktail Castle Floor One you can find this badge in the leftmost jail cell in the prison room. You'll need the paper mode ability to squeeze through the gap to reach it.
Last Stand P
In upper part of the Grand Staircase in Hooktail Castle, there is a large yellow block with an adjacent switch. Whack this switch to cause the yellow block to drop below. Drop down on this block and you can pick up this badge to the right.
Mega Rush P

In Petalburg, there is a fenced lawn area next to Koops's pink house. You can find this badge there, but you'll need to use the paper mode ability from Hooktail's castle to access it.
Soft Stomp

In the underground city area in the sewers below West Rogueport, you can find a chest in the shallow water. Open it to find this badge.
Quake Hammer

In the area before Madame Flurrie's house in the Boggly Woods you can get this badge from a red block on the higher platform accessible from the airplane panel.
Damage Dodge P

On sublevel two of the Great Tree, there is a room with a winding narrow path and Piders that drop down from the ceiling. You'll see a red block between the platforms that seems unreachable. You can use Koops's shell to find a hidden block beneath it and you can hit the red block to find this badge.

Inside the Great Tree (sublevel two) you'll need to enter the correct symbol on some pillars to get the Super Boots. Once you have them, you can exit the room and use a spin jump to get to the room below. You can then carefully jump across the platforms and use Koops's shell to pick up this badge.
Shrink Stomp

Inside the Great Tree (sublevel four) there is a room full of water that you need to drain by hitting some switches on the right side. Once it's drained you can jump down into the basin and find this badge in a chest.
Happy Heart P

On sublevel three of Rogueport Sewers there is a staircase on the far east side that leads to the room with a black chest. Use Flurrie's gust ability to blow away a paper on the base of the staircase to reveal a chest. You can open it to find this badge.
Super Appeal P

This badge can be found in a chest in Madame Flurrie's room. You can enter Flurrie's house on the east side of Boggly Woods after she becomes your partner and enter her room to find it.
Power Plus P

On the east side of Glitzville there is a large blue switch that you can activate by ground pounding on it. This creates a staircase to the top of the nearby juice shop. Climb the staircase and open the chest to find this badge.
Last Stand

This badge can be found in the Glitz Pit near the entrance to the fighting ring. There is a crate with a star painted on it that you can jump into to find this badge.
Charge P

You can find this badge in the storage room in the Glitz Pit. Use Flurrie's gust to blow on the boxes to the right to reveal normal yellow blocks. Smash those blocks and you'll find this badge in the corner.
HP Plus P

You can find this badge in the attic of the Glitz Pit above the storage room. After finding the secret switch to get to the attic, use Yoshi's flutter kick to reach the boxes on the left side. Destroy the large yellow block with your Super Hammer and then use Yoshi's flutter kick again to reach the badge in the corner.
Defend Plus

After you find the Shop Key on Twilight Trail, you can open the store room in the shop in Twilight Town. Inside you'll find a chest containing this badge.
Hammer Throw

You can find this badge in a red block in the dark wooded section of Twilight Trail.
Tornado Jump

This badge can be found in a block in the second room of sublevel one of Creepy Steeple.
Ice Smash

After entering Creepy Steeple via the main entrance, you can use tube mode to find a treasure room by going through the small opening to the north. Inside is a chest containing this badge.
Flower Saver

In Creepy Steeple, there is a star statue that you push to the right to reach sublevel two. In the first small room you can blow away part of the wall behind you to reveal a secret hallway. Follow this to the right to find this badge in a chest.
Spike Shield

After Vivian joins your party, you can now navigate the spike floor room in Rogueport Sewers. You can find it by going right from the warp pipe room and slipping through the grates in the hallway. Once inside, hide in the shadows to avoid the spikes and reach the chest. Inside you'll find this badge.
Attack FX B

This badge is a reward for completing the Elusive Badge Trouble Center quest from Ms. Mowz. Once you find the Elusive Badge at the top of Hooktail's Lair, you can return it to Ms. Mowz and you'll get this badge.
Head Rattle

On Keelhaul Key you'll find this badge in a red block out in the open in the area to the right of camp.
Ice Power

On Keelhaul Key there is a long wooden bridge with many slats. At the end of the bridge on the right side you can use the paper mode ability to slip through the slats and land on a platform where you'll find this badge.
P-Down, D-Up

In the Pirate's Grotto there is a room with a black chest where you get cursed with the sailboat ability. Search behind this chest to find this badge.
Defend Plus P

In the Pirate's Grotto, return to the upper level of the large waterfall room after you get the paper boat ability. Use the boat panel here and then sail to the room to the right. You can sail behind the waterfall here to find a hidden room with a chest containing this badge.
HP Drain

After getting the paper boat ability, use the boat panel on the right side of the docks in Rogueport. Sail all the way to the left to find a hidden alcove. Open the chest here to get this badge.
Double Dip

In East Rogueport, use the boat panel behind the buildings to sail back to in front of the buildings. There is another boat panel here that you can get off at and open the chest to find this badge.
Defend Plus

Go to sublevel two of Rogueport Sewers below West Rogueport. Take the stairs to the left and blow away the paper wall with Flurrie to reveal a green pipe. Instead of taking the pipe, head left in the little alcove to reach a boat panel. Sail all the way to the right past multiple screens and you'll find a secret room containing three Shine Sprites. Climb up the platform on the left and then use Yoshi's flutter jump and Koops's shell on the moving platform to get this badge from the right corner.
Pit of 100 Trials Badges
The following badges are rewards for clearing 10 floors of the Pit of 100 Trials. When you reach each tenth floor milestone, you can open a chest to find the following badges.
Sleepy Stomp

Reward for reaching Level 10.
Fire Drive

Reward for reaching Level 20.